Geometry Matters

102 Articles Published | Follow:
Creating a self-assembling quasicrystal

A quasiperiodic crystal, also known as a quasicrystal, is an organized but nonperiodic structure. A…

Measuring devices from the time of Stonehenge: The chalk drums from Folkton and Lavant

Investigation on mathematical understanding and the usage of conventional units of measurement in prehistoric civilizations…

The geometry of an electron

University of Basel physicists have demonstrated for the first time how a single electron appears…

The math behind musical harmony: phase transitions and balance between order and disorder

Music, while allowing nearly unlimited creative expression, almost always conforms to a set of rigid…

The bouba/kiki effect used in character design

The bouba/kiki effect is a non-arbitrary mapping between spoken sounds and object visual form. Wolfgang…

Using moiré patterns prevents information loss in optical communications

A moiré lattice occurs when two periodic 2D patterns are layered on top of each…

22° Ice Halo displays the geometric reflection of light

A halo is an optical phenomenon caused by light interacting with ice crystals floating in…

3D Printed armor inspired by mollusks

Ling Li, associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and…

Long distance communications through quantum teleportation of light patterns

Quantum communication over long distances is essential for information security, and it has been shown…

Language, trees, and geometry in neural networks

Language is made of discrete structures, yet neural networks operate on continuous data: vectors in…